
Graphology in simple words means handwriting analysis. The way the page is used, the alphabets are designed is related to your subconscious mind. Analysis of the same, how an alphabet, word, sentences are written, the various strokes are used, helps in decoding the personality of the individual. So by making changes to the mindset and handwriting, the individual personality can be impacted.

It is not only the personality traits that are decoded from the handwriting but also the health of the individual. Handwriting can help you to identify certain disease patterns in the family of the writer, hence can be used as a preventive tool.

To get your handwriting analysed, all you need to do is to take a plain A4 size paper. Write one and a half-page in English. Try not to copy from anywhere, write whatever comes to your mind. It is not the grammar that is important, it is the handwriting strokes, how you write an alphabet is important. After writing one and a half pages, do your signature three times. Take a clear picture and WhatsApp to us and book an appointment. The analysis will be shared with you.