
Astrology is a method to predict events of your life which gets locked at the time of birth in the form of horoscope. Providing remedial measures for the issues faced by individuals in the form of mantras, yantras, gem stone, offering prayers etc.

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Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is part of Vedic scriptures and in ancient times was used to design buildings of importance e.g. temple, palaces etc. It is a science aimed at making our life happy and successful. It has a very logical and effective approach which can heal our issues ranging from health , finances, relationships etc.

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Pranic Healing

Pranic healing is a no-touch, no-drug energy healing modality. It is an art and science of using techniques based on universal laws of nature to balance and heal the human energy body. When these energy patterns are balanced, life becomes easy and successful. We are born with the innate ability to feel and balance these energy patterns. Want to know how to balance your energies. Learn Pranic Healing!

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Numerology – Everything around us is made of energy and hence its vibrations have a strong impact on our lives. Numbers have vibrations too and they are also associated with various
planets and carry their energies. We measure everything in numbers and hence it impacts us a
lot, be it our date of birth, mobile number, car number or even the alphabets of our names etc.

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Graphology – Handwriting is an expression of personality; hence, a systematic analysis of the way words and letters are formed can reveal traits of personality. It can also help in identifying certain disease patterns in the family and correcting the same may help in preventing those patterns to manifest in the individual.

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Mobile Numerology

Mobile numerology – the mobile number you have attracted is not by chance, it is based on your vibrations. The mobile number has a huge impact and reveals a certain aspects of your life.
Correcting the same helps to improve your vibrations and hence has a positive impact on the individual.

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Drawing Analysis & Therapy

Drawing Analysis – Our subconscious mind is tuned from the cave ages to interpret certain images in a certain way. Drawing of Sun, Water, House, Human, Mountains along with any other image reveals a lot about how your subconscious is aligned. The shape, placement of the objects help in decoding the subconscious mind and identifying the blockages. Depending on your requirement, the changes in the drawing helps you to manifest your desires and fill your life with love, prosperity and abundance.

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Visiting Card Analysis & Therapy

Visiting card Analysis – A unique concept based on the subconscious mind along with knowledge
of Astro-numero-Vastu, the visiting card tells a lot about the health of the organisation, individual
and order conversion. Any issue in any area of your business, from employee retention to money-saving, size of order conversion, all can be corrected by making changes to the visiting card

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