Watch Analysis & Therapy

Watch Analysis is a unique concept which reveals your interaction within and outside the family. What kind of people you attract in your circle is also revealed by this science. Watches can be used as a powerful manifestation tool in your life.

Depending upon the kind of work you do and the quality of clients you want to attract, the watch can help you manifest. Are you open to all kinds of people or are you selective in inviting people home, the people who come to your home are spiritual, premium, like-minded or from a different background is all revealed by watches/clocks.

Facing issues with walk-in customers in your store, less number of enquiries on your digital platform, relationship issues within the family. looking for support from authorities, children lacking focus etc. All these issues can be addressed by simply adorning the right watch/ Wall clock. For analysis of your existing watch or if you are planning to buy a new one, in order to get the right watch for you, contact us after booking an appointment.
